Interviewing for Disney often means either an in-person interview and/or a phone interview. Back in 2013 when I did the Disney International College Program (Cultural Exchange) after our resume was screened we had a phone interview. If successful we would move on to in-person interviews. Now phone calls are often reserved for alumnae of the program and successful resumes head straight to in-person interviews.
Here’s our tips for acing your Disney College Program, ICP or Cultural Exchange interview:
Smile Like You Mean It!
Show those pearly white teeth and be happy. Let’s be real, you are interviewing with Disney so you should be stoked. Whether it is a phone or an in person interview remember to SMILE. If it’s a phone interview stand in front of a mirror so that you can always make sure you’re smiling.
You are interviewing for a job at Disney and whether that means Disney World or one of the other parks, the cruise line or any number of programs you’re going to be expected to have a smile on your face at work always.
Be the Best YOU:
Most face to face interviews start with a presentation to get you excited for the program and the prospect of working for Disney. This is also a great calming strategy as you get to see how nice the recruiters are. The rules here are: don’t look or act bored and don’t have a resting b**** face.
Sit up front, smile, be excited, try to answer questions and be engaged. Remember they are watching you from the minute you walk in the door!
Do your Research and be Prepared:
So you want to be a character attendant but have zero idea how you would handle an angry guest when you have to close the line? Not knowing what the roles you want entail or thinking about some of the conflicts you face will leave you looking unprepared. Do you even want the job?
Know what the program you’re applying for is, what roles are available and what roles you’d like to do! Need more info on roles click here.
Also, you may want to practice some of your answers to typical interview questions.
Be You!
The Disney recruitment team want to see your personality. They want to meet the real you and see where your strengths and weaknesses will fit within the company.
Dress to “The Disney Look”
Yes, there is a Disney dress code and yes it is enforced. It is called the Disney Look.
If you get the amazing opportunity to be a part of the Disney Cultural Program you will attend Disney’s Traditions, one of the most amazing days of your program. If you aren’t dressed appropriately they wont let you attend, simple as that.
Knowing that, start at the interview by showing your ability to adhere to their guidelines. Wear professional attire with neutral makeup and natural coloured hair. It will win you brownie points. I had one girl at my interview who showed up in ripped jeans and a boyfriend blazer. I never saw her in Disney… just saying.
Non Verbal Communication is also key
Easily said: sit up straight, have a good handshake, make eye contact, don’t cross your arms. You want to look friendly and professional.
Bring you’re A-Game without being Cocky
Did you win an award that you should mention? Do you have a ridiculous amount of extracurriculars? Are you the most amazing person on the planet?
That’s all well and good, but find a way to show how amazing you are without coming off as full of yourself. Disney is dignified and open for everyone, it is the happiest place on earth and they want their employees to be inclusive of all.
Use Family Friendly Language
You’re not interviewing for a bouncer position at a nightclub. Your profane language wont help you here. Use family friendly language, enough said.
Know That You’ll Be Asked At Least ONE Random Question!
Most companies like to throw curve balls at their interviewees, both to see how they answer and to put a little pressure on. Know your answers to your typical questions like ‘why Disney?’, ‘Why Now?’, ‘How do you feel about moving countries?’…etc.
But also be prepared for questions to do with attractions, recreation, performing and any and all things. Remember it’s okay to take a moment to breathe before answering.
You will also be asked how you deal with conflict, how you feel about living with people you don’t know (#roommates), and what made you apply to disney.
Don’t run on and on and on and on…
Think, speak, smile end. You don’t have to talk forever.
Listen to your Interviewer
They often give you amazing tips and info. Also listen to their questions so you can answer them to the best of your abilities.
Ask a question or two, but not too many!
Ask a genuine question at the end so that you can show your enthusiasm for the position. This will show your interest even more.
Thank them with a SMILE!
Good luck for all of you who might be interviewing soon!