Disney Housing Complexes Comparisons!
There are four housing complexes on Disney property. They each have their own charm and homely feeling, though they might have huge similarities they are each slightly different and unique. Here is a guide to choosing the between the disney housing complexes so you can find for you.
Before you start your Disney program you will be asked to fill out a form where you can request roommates and rank your preferences for housing complexes. This includes the number of bedrooms you want to have, which will change the number of people that you will be living with. The more roommates the better right?
Vista Way
Are you over the age of 21? Then live here. Just kidding, that’s not the only reason to live in Vista, though this Disney Complex has the persona of the party place. Though being 21 is one of the least important factors, generally Vista has more over 21s than any other complex.
This complex is teaming with legal drinking age participants. Even though it is the oldest physical complex, many of the rooms have undergone recent renovations. Vista is closer to the parks and most work locations, with better bus schedules too, so its a great place to live. It is the main check in point and the main hub for everything Disney programs, so it can be busier but everything is easily accessible. One of the best things about this complex is that there are shops and fast food restaurants within walking distance.
Chatham Square
Chatham is the best of all worlds– kind of. It is relatively new and located in the center of the newer housing area, away from Vista. However, it has the major bus stop in front of it, a brilliant pool and fairly new buildings. The biggest problem is that Chatham is massive, you’ll often find yourself walking for what seems like days to get from one side to another.
Chatham is located adjacent to Mickey’s Retreat, the cast members only recreation area that has things such as a pool and tennis courts. If you become a lifeguard this is where you will do your training. There are classrooms here too. The majority of the program events take place at Chatham.
Patterson Court
This is where I lived during my program, it is the newest Disney housing complex, finishing construction in 2008. This means that the facilities are the most up to date and least run down. The pool is great and so are the gym facilities. So if you’re looking for new and a little shiny, choose Patterson Court. The major downfall of Patterson is there are no buses running to the complex. You have to walk a few minutes to the Chatham Square bus stop. Patterson is an easy walk towards shops just down the street including a grocery store and also features a car wash. It is spacious, less crowded and perfectly put together.
The Commons
Are you on a cultural rep program? Then you’ll probably end up living in The Commons, though you won’t be restricted. The Commons are open to all Disney program participants. These apartments are great because they have inbuilt washers and dryers in each room. #winning. The major downfall? They cost more and are filled with people working in Epcot, so the Commons has a different feel to it.
The Commons is the central hub for international programs, and will also be the meeting point for events such as VoluntEARing and admin.
You’ll Love It No Matter Where You Live!
No matter what Disney Complex you live in you’ll love it, it will be the best time of your life!