Are you ready?! If you’ve been dreaming of working for Disney, the time is now! (Well if you are a student, and from one of the participating countries including Canada, the UK, Japan, Turkey, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand….). It might just be time to apply for the Disney Cultural Exchange program for the upcoming summer.
The applications for Summer 2019 are closed, but watch this page for 2020 info!
We know that this is a stressful time and YOU want to be perfect! So here is an easy checklist of things to start thinking about before you apply from two alumni before you apply for the Disney Cultural Exchange Program (ICP):
- Is your resume polished?
- By polished, we mean have you checked and re-checked that you have no spelling errors and that you have created a cohesive and impressive portrayal of yourself? Does your resume screen YOU and does it show you in the best light possible? When it comes to your resume, this is the thing that will get you through the initial screening for the Disney Cultural Exchange Program, so make it count and maybe, just maybe, have someone else read through it for you!
- Is your cover letter on point?
- Your cover letter, which can be included with your resume, is the one place that you can truly say everything about you on the line. It is also the place where you can show why you would be PERFECT for a role in Disney. Don’t, I repeat DON’T, write a novel about how you love Disney movies and think you are the next Disney Princess. Think about what you can bring to the roles in Disney World and how you can make a little magic during your program.
- Do you have an idea of the roles you want to play at Disney?
- Have you started to think about where you would fit in at Disney? This is important before going forward, because even if there is a new role you would love to do, Disney wants to see where you think you would fit. Looking through the roles and seeing how you can fit can give you a better understanding of Disney, and help you get to where you want to go. Remember the recruiters will always place you in the right fit, even if you don’t feel this way.
- Looking for role ideas? Check here!
- Have you thought about money?
- This is a tough subject to talk about… Money. You will get paid around $10 USD an hour and have to pay for food, your phone and rent. These things can all add up, especially if you only get a minimum of 30 hours a week. Besides that, you need to pay for your health insurance, your flights and have enough to support yourself for your first few weeks. I went with over a thousand dollars in savings and spent it all… I don’t regret it, and you don’t need that much, but any extra is worthwhile to have. Make sure you think about this. Disney isn’t for the money, it’s for the experience!
Check this post for more info about MONEY: click here!
- Have you thought about how the Disney Program will impact your future?
- I say this because you might have more than one internship experience in your summer. You have to decide how working for Disney can impact your future, especially since they typically won’t provide references. This is really important to think about if you are finishing your degree and hoping to move into your career.
These things are real things to think about! But that doesn’t mean this isn’t one of the most important and exciting times for prospective Disney Cast Members!
Kenzie and I have both been where you are! Comment anything else you want advice on!
We wish you the best of luck with your application for the Disney Cultural Exchange Program! Find the link on the Disney International Program website.
Haley says
Hey! I just got accepted to school this month and want to apply for next summer. I will have one year of university by the time the program would start. Do you I need to have been in school for one year before applying or will I be good ?
Bradlyn says
Hey Haley!! I just was verifying on the actual application website! Since you are enrolled in a university program, you should be good to apply! Just make sure you are at an “accredited, degree-issuing college or university”. You also need to be continuing school for one semester after!
Lindsey says
Hey! I am from Canada and want to do this program next summer but there is no where to apply on the website. Does the program become available only at a certain date? When are the applications usually due?
Bradlyn says
Hey girl! I’ve been checking this for you over the past few weeks. They definitely post it here: . Last year they opened on October 1. So keep your eyes peeled, and I’ll let you know if it pops up. Also, the “Disney International Programs” Facebook page, always posts when new opportunities open, so it’s good to follow them too! Good luck on your application! Any idea what your top choices of roles will be yet? 🙂